understandability meaning

Evidence-based practice (EBP) reduces costs, ensures remaining up to date with new skills and technology, and makes it possible to deliver high-quality care. Arabic version of Student-Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire (S-EBPQ) should be used in future studies to assess its practical applications in nursing education and practice. The back translated version (from Arabic back-translated to English language) was afterward compared with the original tool (English version) by two translators. Only minor changes were required after discussion and reconciliation, demonstrating clarity and the absence ambiguities.


The challenge for nurses in the modern day is to provide efficient, secure, and individualized care. Evidence-based practice (EBP) lowers costs, guarantees staying current with new technology and abilities, and enables the provision of high-quality care. Evidence-based practice (EBP) considered the foundation for safe patient care.

  • The goal is to immediately integrate the best available research, clinical experience, and patient preference into clinical practice, so that nurses can make out informed decisions related to patient care.
  • The questionnaire used in this study (Arabic Version) was developed for this study.
  • Among the three experts, content validations of the Arabic-language questionnaires revealed good and precise comprehension of the contents and languages utilized.
  • After the experts’ agreement on the items and face validation, a pilot study was prepared to measure concepts of scale.

Personal tools

Overall, Arabic version questionnaire demonstrated high validity and reliability. Translation make evidence-based guidelines and interventions more accessible to a wider range of people, including non-English-speaking business entity concept broader look with example healthcare providers and patients. This inclusion helps to provide consistent and high-quality care across multiple places and populations. One limitation in this study is the self-report feature of the questionnaire.

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While external sources of knowledge and research evidences were rarely utilized. Alqahtani et al. [2] reported that nurses in Saudi Arabia are willing to be involved in EBP but they need to improve their knowledge and skills to become active participants. Thus, it can be inferred that assessment of students’ beliefs toward EBP is importance to ensure holding of the basic aspects of it in the early start of their professional life. Local finding can aid in establishing new direction in nursing education. Therefore, translating the EBP questionnaire to Arabic will aid in including large number of students who will describe the problem in their native language. The code of ethics for nurses likewise explicitly emphasizes how well-established scientific research and the application of its findings are in nursing practice.

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understandability meaning

The S-CVI of Student Evidence Based Practice Questionnaire was calculated and the value was 0.90. Cronbach’s Alpha was calculated to verify questionnaire reliability, yielding an overall value of 0.963 (see Table 4). 45.8% of participants were male students and 54.2% of participants were female nursing students. Regarding the age, 13.9% of participants were at age 19; 31.9% were at age 20; 27.8% of participants were at age 21; while 16.7% at age 22; and 9.7% of participants were at age 23. In this study, the scale was translated to Arabic language according to World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) process of translation and adaptation of instruments [23].

Another limitation is the use of convenience sampling in recruiting the sample. Further research studies should be conducted using Arabic version of S-EBPQ with larger sample in different settings. Another study done among mental health nurses in Saudi Arabia found that nurses relied on their experience and social interaction as the most frequent sources of knowledge.

The purpose of the current study was to validate and carry out the linguistic-cultural adaptation of the S-EBPQ for the Arabic language. The Arabic version of the S-EBPQ generally had a solid structure and it demonstrated high validity and reliability. Understandability is the concept that financial information should be presented so that a reader can easily comprehend it. This concept assumes a reasonable knowledge of business by the reader, but does not require advanced business knowledge to gain a high level of comprehension.

Among the three experts, content validations of the Arabic-language questionnaires revealed good and precise comprehension of the contents and languages utilized. This demonstrated that the translation process was culturally appropriate for usage in the intended population. After the experts’ agreement on the items and face validation, a pilot study was prepared to measure concepts of scale. According to Polit and Beck [19], recommendation range is from 3 to 4 participants for each item. The tool is consisting of 21 items and 3 participants were assigned for each item. Therefore, 72 nursing students from King Saud University were selected for reliability assessment.